My Best Friend Got A Boyfriend And Now Ignores Me

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My Best Friend Got a Boyfriend and Now Ignores Me

It’s a bittersweet feeling when your best friend enters a romantic relationship. You’re happy for them, but a twinge of loneliness washes over you as you realize your time together will inevitably be shared. In my case, when my best friend Sarah started dating her boyfriend, I noticed a gradual shift in her priorities. Our once-frequent coffee dates became less frequent, and our late-night chats dwindled to hurried phone calls. It felt like I was losing her, and the pain of being left behind was suffocating.

The Silent Loneliness

Losing a close friend to a romantic relationship can feel like a silent form of loneliness. It’s not the obvious solitude of being alone physically, but rather the emotional isolation of feeling excluded from someone who was once a constant in your life. It’s like a slow burn, a gradual realization that your presence is no longer as valued as it once was. You may find yourself questioning your own worth, wondering if you’re not good enough to maintain their attention.

Understanding Boundaries and Priorities

Setting Boundaries:

When a friend enters a romantic relationship, it’s essential to respect their new boundaries. They may need more time and space with their partner, and it’s important to give them that space without feeling resentful. Be understanding and supportive, even if it means adjusting your expectations for the time being.

Communicating Needs:

If you’re feeling neglected, it’s okay to communicate your needs to your friend. Let them know how much you value their friendship and that you miss spending time with them. Be clear about what you’re feeling, but avoid being accusatory or demanding.

Understanding Priorities:

Remember that your friend’s priorities may have shifted. They may now need to prioritize their romantic relationship over their friendships. While it can be difficult to accept, it’s important to respect their choices and give them the space they need to develop their new relationship.

Coping Mechanisms and Self-Care

Seek Support:

Talk to other friends, family members, or a therapist about your feelings. They can provide emotional support and help you process the loss.

Engage in Self-Care:

Take care of your own well-being. Spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies that make you happy, and avoid isolating yourself. Remember that you have value and you deserve to be surrounded by people who appreciate you.

Give it Time:

It takes time to adjust to the changes in a friendship after a romantic relationship. Don’t expect things to go back to the way they were overnight. Be patient with yourself and your friend, and allow the transition to happen at its own pace.

Expert Advice: Navigating Friendship Changes

Dr. Amy Johnson, a licensed therapist, recommends the following tips:

  • Focus on the Positives: Remind yourself of the many good things about your friendship. Remember the happy times you’ve shared and the bond you’ve built.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and don’t blame yourself for your friend’s changed behavior. It’s not your fault that they’re spending more time with their partner.
  • Nurture Other Relationships: Make an effort to strengthen other friendships and build new connections. This will help you feel less dependent on your best friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it normal to feel left out when your best friend gets a boyfriend?

A: Yes, it’s perfectly normal to feel a sense of loss and loneliness when a close friend enters a romantic relationship.

Q: How do I deal with the awkwardness of spending time with my friend and their new partner?

A: Be friendly and respectful to their partner. Don’t try to compete for their attention or make them feel uncomfortable.

Q: When should I consider ending the friendship?

A: If your friend consistently ignores you, makes you feel unimportant, or disrespects your boundaries, it may be time to re-evaluate the friendship.


Navigating the changes in a friendship after a romantic relationship can be challenging. By understanding boundaries, communicating needs, and practicing self-care, you can navigate this transition with grace and maintain a healthy bond with your friend. Remember, friendships go through ups and downs, and it’s okay to adjust expectations and find new ways to connect.

Are you interested in learning more about navigating friendship changes after a romantic relationship?

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My best friend got a boyfriend and I became depressed…people say … Jul 25, 202310. Resist giving him the cold shoulder. When your boyfriend is seemingly ignoring you, you might be tempted to give him the cold shoulder. Perhaps you hope that he’ll realize how much it can hurt to be ignored and come running back to you with a sincere apology. However, that is not a very likely scenario.